3-game guarantee, 2 on Saturday, one on Sunday morning. Points and ends scoring format, with event finals late morning/early afternoon on Sunday. Important: All rinks must be a traditional mixed format with two male and two female curlers. The combined ages the lead and second must total a minimum of 80. The combined ages of…
Midwest Regional Championship All college teams are invited - 16 team maximum $240 per team of 4 curlers ($50 for each additional curler) Pizza will be served Friday night, three meals on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday. All teams will play one game on Friday night, two or three games on Saturday and finals will…
$420 per team | Food & Full Bar Included 3-Game Guarantee | Raffle Costume Contest | DJ Entertainment We encourage costumes for Saturday night's banquet. Think disaster movies or apocalypse! Register below to secure your spot - this spiel fills up FAST!