Wisconsin Event League Rules
1. All persons who are full curling members in good standing are eligible to curl on a team. Junior adult members at least 14 years old may be allowed to curl in the Wisconsin event with permission of the event’s chair/committee.
2. Guest privileges: Article II, Section 9 of our club By-laws states “Guests may be invited to curl in a league game one (1) time in a current season. No guest may curl in more than one (1) league game in a year. No guest shall curl in a club play-down or play-off.” Social members are allowed to substitute up to three times in a year during regular league play. However, they are not allowed to curl in play-downs or play-offs.
1. All games are intended to have eight ends. It is encouraged that pace of play is kept up and ends should reasonably take no more than 15 minutes.
2. Games are to start promptly at the times designated by the event chair(s).
a. When all stones have come to rest or passed beyond the end line the next end has begun. At 2 hours from the scheduled start of the game, the current end will be the last end and no more ends will be played.
b. In the event of a tie a warm draw will be conducted. Any one player may be selected by their team to throw the draw. The draw will be measured using a tape measure or other appropriate measuring device then cleared from the playing surface before the next team’s draw. The team that would have hammer after the last end was played gets a choice to throw their draw first or second.
c. All shifts will play under the same rules and limitations including the time limit.
3. The following are the penalties for a team violating the prompt start times outlined above:
● 0 – 10 minutes late = no penalty
● 11 -20 minutes late = 2 points and 2 ends will be forfeit
● 21-30 minutes late = 3 points and three ends will be forfeit
● 31 minutes late = a forfeiture of the game
4. A team may choose to start with 3 players if one individual member is running late with no time penalty as listed above.
1. The draft is conducted by the team captains (traditionally the skips) at least one week prior to the first game of the session.
a. The team captains count as drafted skips for the purposes of subbing.
b. Incoming team captains will first be selected and approved by the event chair(s) to fill any vacancies. If there are no appropriate players to be selected, vacancies may be filled by skip emeriti.
2. The team number of the captains (starting from 1) will be determined first by a captain’s standing as a previous captain then by their rating from highest to lowest. This means new, incoming captains will have a higher number relative to existing skips regardless of rating.
3. The event chair is to create a reasonably ordered and grouped list of players based on previous position played, rating, and other worthy criteria to provide to the team captains for the draft.
4. The draft will begin with selection of the third position starting with the highest numbered team and ending with team number 1. The second position is to be selected next in reverse order starting with team number 1 and ending with the highest numbered team. The lead position is to be selected last starting with the highest numbered team and ending with team number 1.
a. Players do NOT need to play in their drafted position on their own team. The team captain may decide, with reasonable discretion, that they would like to change the throwing order of their teammates between games throughout the session with no penalty. This rule does not apply to subs.
b. No more than one skip emeritus may be drafted onto the same team if possible. A skip emeritus drafted into a non-skip position cannot play in the skip position.
1. All teams must have at least 3 players including 2 of that team’s drafted members to be a legal team.
a. If a team has only 3 members the first throwing and second throwing players each throw 3 stones with the last throwing player throwing 2 stones.
b. In the event a team is playing with 3 players and a drafted skip is playing with that team, that player must throw the last two stones in that rotation.
2. If possible, subs should play in their originally drafted or assigned position unless that would replace an original team member currently playing.
1. Skips are to rate the other members of their team on a scale of 1-10 for both line and
weight which are averaged together for shot percentage for the next draft. Ratings will take place promptly a er each game, but not after playoffs or finals.
a. These ratings should be discussed with those team members and it is highly encouraged that the captain respectfully talks with their teammates about things they have done well that game and should be working on.
b. Skips are to rate their teammate’s sweeping ability on a scale of 0-5 throughout the session with a 0 awarded to players who are unable to sweep. Sweeping will be assessed during the last regular game of the session for the purposes of the draft.
2. Skips are to rate the other team’s skip.
a. The skips don’t need to have a discussion with the other skip about their abilities, but if it can be done in a friendly manner it is welcome.
1. Any substitutions should first be attempted to be filled by a player drafted in the same position or listed as a sub of the position being replaced. Unrated players not yet assigned a position are not necessarily rated as leads and must be assigned a position by the league chair(s).
2. In the event that reasonable efforts to draft a suitably rated player are unsuccessful, a team may play with three players in accordance with LEGAL RINK 1. If after the draft a rink has only three players any two must be present with at least one sub to have a legal rink.
3. As an incentive to include new curlers, teams that recruit any number of new curlers with 2 or less years of experience to sub for them (in any position) are awarded 1 point before the game starts.
4. Each time a team recruits a player drafted as a third or skip (or one assigned to those positions on the substitution list) to sub for a lead or second the team must first get permission from the league chair(s).
5. For playoffs, only rated players for that session can be used as substitutes.
1. USCA rules apply, unless accepted above.
The skip emeritus is a voluntary status (approved by the event chair/committee) taken up by experienced curlers (5 years or greater) with the goal of stepping aside to allow for developing curlers to adopt a leadership role within the league. Skip emeriti no longer act as team captains for the purpose of the draft and will continue fulfilling a teaching role in a non-skip position.
Skip emeriti are not to be rated. The status is not permanent and if an emeritus chooses to rescind their status for the following session they will rejoin the league as an unrated player would. Like any other club member, skip emeriti would have to be selected and approved by the chair/committee to once again become a team captain for the draw .