Men’s Invitational Bonspiel Registration KMCC Men’s Invitational Registration Name of Invited Curler(Required) First Last Email(Required) Curling Club(Required)Phone(Required)Team MembersList all team members (including yourself) and their respective position. Use the “+” sign to add additional entry lines.NamePosition Add RemoveRegistration Type:(Required) 4-Man Team: $400.00 5-Man Team: $500.00 First Draw PreferencePlease rank order the choices below (by dragging them up/down in the list) to match the desires of your team. Please place your first choice at the top of the list, and your last choice at the bottom. Our Men’s Committee will do our best to incorporate your preferences into the formulation of the draw sheet. Please note, however, that nothing is promised or guaranteed by this selection and official draw times will be communicated once all registrations have been completed.Friday March 14 8:30amFriday March 14 11:00amFriday March 14 1:30pmFriday March 14 4:00pmWho Cares – Just Happy to Be Curling!I will pay by:(Required) Credit Card Check Credit Card Processing Fee Price: $0.00 Square charges KMCC a fee of 2.9% + 30 cents for the processing of a credit card for this transaction. This fee is passed along to our members and guests for any transaction for which they elect this convenient form of payment.Check Payment Instructions Checks should be made payable to: Kettle Moraine Curling Club. Please include “Men’s Invitational Registration” in the memo section. Checks must be received at PO Box 244, Hartland, WI 53029 by the treasury prior to January 24th to confirm your registration.Total Credit Card Cardholder Name Card Details NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.